Playwrights around the world (with or without representation) are encouraged to submit their plays and musicals each season for consideration for the Maxim Mazumdar New Play Award. The winning play receives a guaranteed cash prize and a full production in an upcoming subscription season.
While there are no requirements for style or content, Alleyway seeks plays that are wholly original, uniquely theatrical, and completely authentic. Winning plays will be production-ready, and must not have had a professional production (workshops, readings, or educational productions excluded).

For all submissions, Alleyway seeks a diverse and inclusive representation of plays, stories, themes, locations, styles, as well as a diverse range of playwrights. Preference will be shown to works with vibrant characters and distinct voices, which engage in authentic human connection while representing a uniquely theatrical experience.

Mainstage, Cabaret, and Alleyworks Development projects are chosen through a rigorous selection process. We read over 1,500 scripts throughout the year, and so outside of the Mazumdar application, we can accept only agent submissions and solicited material. However, alumni playwrights or those writers local to Western New York (or writing about a WNY theme) may send new work at anytime.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept unsolicited scripts outside of the Mazumdar submission window.